Do you have questions about Grabba Leaf? Below you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) you may have on grabba leaves and all things grabba leaf. Also, […]
Grabba Leaf Review: Blak Ty
Introduction We are a grabba leaf (tobacco) brand established in 2016 by CEO/ Founder, Brandon Cargill, in an effort to deliver top-grade, hot grabba (grabba leaves) products such as our […]
Fronto (Grabba) Leaf
Introduction The Fronto Leaf has been around for many years, however, it is also commonly referred to by other names. In the Caribbean, it is also called Grabba or Fanta, […]
Wholesale Tobacco Distributor
Introduction We are a grabba leaf (tobacco) brand established in 2016 by CEO/ Founder, Brandon Cargill, to deliver top-grade, grabba leaves such as our signature crushed grabba (grabba shakes) and […]
Blunt Wrap
Introduction Blunts are one of the most popular methods for smoking marijuana these days. A weed blunt is commonly called a marijuana cigar because they are usually made from store-bought […]
Spliff vs Blunt
Introduction What is the difference between a spliff and a blunt and which one is better than the other? These are two very important questions that we will be answering […]
Hot Grabba
Introduction Grabba leaf (Fronto) is a certain type of tobacco leaf that is sold whole and is meant to be either crushed or used as blunt wraps. The crushed leaves […]
High-Grade Jamaican Leaf Growth
High-Grade Jamaican Leaf is lighting up the local Roll-Your-Own (RYO) grabba leaf industry with its innovative packaging, and an excellent line of natural leaf grabba products. The principals involved are […]
Pre Rolled Blunt Cones
Introduction As many more states continue to legalize either medicinal or recreational cannabis flower usage, people are discovering cannabis flower again. While there are several different ways to consume cannabis […]
What Is a Spliff?
Introduction As more and more states in the United States are passing laws permitting the use of cannabis flower, its use is becoming more widely accepted. More people are discovering […]