As more and more states in the United States are passing laws permitting the use of cannabis flower, its use is becoming more widely accepted. More people are discovering the many ways that cannabis flower can be used. Smoking the dried and ground leaves is by far the most common method.
There is a relatively new way to smoke cannabis flower that has been gaining popularity. While hand-rolling cannabis flower inside rolling paper is not a new concept, however, there is another way that is gaining popularity and it is referred to by the name spliff. It involves using rolling paper, loose tobacco best known as crushed grabba or grabba shakes, and cannabis bud.
What is a Spliff?
Hand-rand rolled marijuana cigarettes or weed joints are the most common way to smoke cannabis bud. There is another type of hand-rolled weed joint, that is slightly different. A spliff is a hand-rolled weed joint that contains loose tobacco (crushed grabba or grabba shakes) and ground cannabis bud. The blend is rolled inside a rolling paper just like a traditional weed joint. The combination of crushed grabba and cannabis flower is said to deliver a very mellow taste.
What Does a Spliff Look Like?
A spliff is loose tobacco lightly crushed and mixed in with the cannabis bud. The consistency of both leaves when crushed is very similar, the material is easy to blend and hand-roll inside a rolling paper. A rolled spliff looks very similar to a traditional weed joint.
How to Roll a Spliff
Step #1 Grind your cannabis flower
Step #2 Prep rolling paper
Step #3 Fill your rolling paper with a mix of loose tobacco leaves (crushed grabba) and cannabis flower
Step #4 Start to roll
Step #5 Tuck and seal
Step #6 Seal it up
Step #7 Light it up

Related: Crushed Grabba
Benefits of a Spliff
When comparing a traditional weed joint and a spliff, there are several things that people say are more enjoyable with spliffs versus a weed joint.
Easier to roll – The spliff includes up to half of its volume of crushed grabba which helps to make it easier to hand-roll a weed joint.
The smell is less intense – With the addition of the crushed grabba (grabba shakes) mixed with the cannabis flower, the smell is much less intense as compared to solely burning the cannabis flower. This makes smoking a spliff far less apparent.
The smoke is much smoother – Due to the combination of the crushed grabba and cannabis bud in a spliff, you will experience a much smoother and more consistent joint smoke. The flavor will be equally smooth as well.
Disadvantages of a Spliff
While spliffs do have several benefits, it is necessary to point out a glaring disadvantage.
Contains a known carcinogen – Tobacco has been well studied and it does contain compounds that are known, cancer-causing agents. There is a way that you can limit the amount of exposure to the compounds. The most common ratio of tobacco to weed bud in a spliff is 50/50. However, you can reduce the amount of tobacco and therefore lower your potential exposure.

Hand-rolled joints were by far the most common method used by canna-connoisseur for decades. However, there is another method that has been gaining popularity among weed smokers. People have discovered that blending crushed grabba (grabba shakes) with cannabis bud can produce a surprisingly smooth result. If you are a person who thinks cannabis flower can be a bit harsh, you might try a hand-rolled spliff. You might be surprised that you can get a much smoother smoke by adding some crushed grabba to your cannabis bud when rolling your next weed joint.
For more information on all things grabba leaf and to check out our High-Grade Jamaican Leaf crushed grabba (grabba shakes) products, visit

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Some days are Spliff days some are blunt days hahaha cheers and light one up when you see this 🙌🏽