The Fronto Leaf has been around for many years, however, it is also commonly referred to by other names. In the Caribbean, it is also called Grabba or Fanta, which are Jamaican terms. The Fronto Leaf is a big part of Jamaican culture. Its popularity has spread to many regions all around the world. The leaves are easy to distinguish from other varieties of tobacco leaves due to their unique characteristics. Its dark color and thickness set it apart from whole leaf tobacco.

Related: What is Grabba?
What is a Fronto?
The Fronto (Fanta) Leaf is an extra-large tobacco leaf that is very dark in color due to its air-cured process. The leaf is commonly used for hand-rolled cigars or a grabba leaf blunt, and its crushed form is for spliffs. Fronto leaves are also frequently ground and blended (crushed grabba) with marijuana for an improved smoking experience. Since there isn’t any extra processing, the fronto leaves are generally packaged directly after the curing process is completed.
Where does the Fronto leaf originate?
Tobacco leaves are grown in many different regions of the world and the Fanta Leaf, in particular, is native to the Caribbean or Jamaica to be more precise. One of the primary reasons it is one of the most popular of all the air-cured tobacco leaves is its dark color.
The Jamaican culture loves the variety of ways to use grabba leaves. The tobacco leaves can be used as a full-size cigar wrapper for hand-rolling cigars and crushing leaves (crushed grabba) to blend with other fillers for spliffs. The Fronto leaf is also trending in other parts of the world as migrants from Jamaica and other Caribbean islands popularize the use.
Features & Benefits
There are many reasons why the Fronto (Grabba Leaf) is preferred by so many cigar and marijuana enthusiasts. It has numerous features that make it the choice of so many all around the world.
- Naturally grown – free of chemicals and additives
- Contains nicotine which promotes relaxation
- Contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds
- Burns slower than traditional rolling papers
When used for hand-rolling cigars, weed blunts, and fillers for spliffs there are numerous benefits. Since it is naturally grown there are no chemicals when it is burned. When used for rolling spliffs there is an added benefit from the crushed grabba. The crushed grabba (grabba shakes) allows for slower burning and relaxation which can be attributed to nicotine. The large, broad tobacco leaves make it much easier to Roll-Your-Own (RYO) cigars, weed blunts, and spliffs.

The Fronto Leaf is one of the most popular tobacco leaves on the market for cigars and blunt wraps. Originally found mainly in the Caribbean (particularly Jamaica), today, it can be found growing all over the world. The Fronto Leaf is an air-cured tobacco leaf that features a dark and thick appearance.
It is used by cigar and marijuana enthusiasts who prefer Roll-Your-Own (RYO). The Fronto Leaf is also synonymous with grabba leaves that are used for cigars, blunt wraps (loose leaf wraps), and filler (grabba shakes) for spliffs. The blending of tobacco provides a slow-burning effect that is appealing to users. If you prefer to Roll-Your-Own (RYO), you should give the Fronto Leaf a try.
For more information on all things grabba leaf and to check out our High-Grade Jamaican Leaf fronto leaf (grabba leaf) products, visit

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