What is the difference between a spliff and a blunt and which one is better than the other? These are two very important questions that we will be answering for you in this article. Both of these methods of hand-rolling marijuana cigarettes have their benefits and disadvantages. It is up to you to figure out which represents the best option out of the two.

Related: How to Roll a Blunt
What is a Spliff?
A spliff is a hand-rolled cigarette that contains both cannabis flower and tobacco (crushed grabba or grabba shakes). The blend of choice is rolled in cigarette paper and smoked. There is a wide range of types of rolling papers from traditional plain white to elaborate colors and designs. There are some types of rolling papers that have flavors infused into them as well. The size of the spliff depends on the amount of cannabis bud and tobacco (crushed grabba) that is used.
Features & Benefits
Since a spliff contains tobacco (shredded grabba) as a buffer, there are some very noticeable advantages. Crushed grabba is much smoother and when you mix it into your marijuana it makes rolling so much easier. Another advantage is the grabba blend when it burns is the ability to help mask the strong marijuana smell. Marijuana does not always burn evenly, however, adding dark crush grabba to a spliff helps to get a slow, consistent burn.
Unfortunately, there are a couple of downsides that you will likely notice the first time when smoking a spliff. It contains tobacco, a known cancer-causing substance that marijuana does not have. You will also have to deal with the smell of burning tobacco, which is a turn-off for many. You can control the amount of tobacco (grabba blend) that you are using to diminish both issues above. The easiest way is to reduce the ratio of grabba crush to marijuana. An 80% to 20% ratio, will allow you the benefits without having to worry so much about the negatives.
What is a Blunt?
A blunt is a cigar that has all of the tobacco filler removed and replaced with cannabis bud. It can also be hand-rolled using a whole tobacco leaf (grabba leaf). The blunt size will depend largely on which type of cigar you choose to make your blunts from. Cigars and blunt wraps come in many different flavors so, there are a lot of options when it comes to taste for blunts.
Features & Benefits
The benefit of blunts over spliffs is that rolling is much easier and quicker than hand-rolling a spliff. Since cigars are much larger than cigarettes, you can make fat blunts in comparison to spliffs. Blunts also burn much slower than spliffs and do not have to be relit as often.
The primary disadvantage of blunts is getting a larger amount of burning tobacco intermingled with your cannabis flower. Unfortunately, that is unavoidable. Even though you are not blending it into the cannabis bud with a spliff, the blunt wrap still contains tobacco. To minimize this, use thinner grabba leaves to roll your weed blunts.

Spliff vs Blunt both have differences, benefits, and disadvantages. The primary difference between spliffs and blunts is a spliff uses shredded grabba with cannabis flower. A weed blunt wraps the marijuana completely inside a grabba leaf. Now you get to decide which of the two methods of hand-rolling cannabis bud into marijuana cigarettes or weed blunts is best, spliff vs blunt.
For more information on all things grabba leaf and to check out our High-Grade Jamaican Leaf crushed grabba (grabba shakes) and blunt wraps (loose leaf wraps) products, visit

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